Psychoeducational Assessment FAQs

  1. What is the purpose of a psychoeducational assessment?

Psychoeducational assessments can be used for clinical and educational decision-making, for planning treatment, and for planning remediation. Educational personnel may use the information from psychoeducational assessments to help determine a student’s eligibility for special services while in school or for transitioning into adulthood. Mental health personnel may use this information to establish effective treatment plans and to advocate for needed services for clients with special needs.

  1. What instruments do you typically use in doing an assessment?

Please see the description in the section entitled Psychoeducational Assessment.

  1. How much time will the assessment take?

Plan on the assessment taking a full day. Actual times can vary due to the client’s age and level of proficiency.

  1. Who must attend the assessment?

A parent or guardian must accompany a child or youth to be assessed. Parents or guardians must be available to complete necessary paperwork at the beginning of the assessment. They may leave for a period in the morning and again in the afternoon while the individual is completing the assessment instruments. They must be available to pick the individual up at lunch to provide a break for the individual before resuming afternoon testing. Parents or guardians must be available to pick up their individual upon completion of assessment.

Parents or guardians may wait in the reception area while their individual is completing the assessment instruments or they may leave for short periods provided that they leave a cell phone number at which they can be reached when the child is ready to be picked up.

  1. What do you need to bring on the day of testing?

Parents or guardians may download, preread, and bring copies of the consent form with them, however, these forms are available at the office and will be discussed and signed before the assessment begins.

Please ensure your individual brings snacks and a drink with them. They will be given a morning and an afternoon break to refuel during asessment.